What is Biophilic Design?
Bringing the Outdoors IndoorsDefining Biophilia
Biophilia – Bio (life) Philia (Attraction)
Biophilia, a term first used by Erich Fromm meaning “love of life and living systems”, focusing on human’s natural attraction to nature, other species and natural processes, which when exposed to creates biological positive feelings and inner happiness.
It is theorised that this attraction and inner desire to be exposed to nature is rooted within our biology and can also be observed in other species. The growth of urbanisation has lead to the disconnection of humans and nature, denying the biological desire to connect with outside world.
Biophilic Design and Biophilic Architecture seeks to satisfy our innate need to affiliate with nature by utilising an innovative approach to interior design, combining where we live, work and play on the inside with the natural world of the outside, ultimately restoring our connection with nature.

Biophilic Interior Designs:
How We Achieve Natural Feeling Spaces.
Proici Commercial Interiors tries to implement as much nature into our projects as possible, whether using living or preserved natural resources such as moss and plant life, natural materials such as timber or even emulating nature through none natural materials such as flooring and graphics.
There is more to a biophilic environment than the addition of natural materials, the spatial environment and workplace layout can also help emaulate a natural space and contribute to the benefits of a biophilic workspace.
Natural lighting levels are managed throughout our client’s work environment to allow natural sunlight access to spread throughout via glass partitioning and clever space planning. Careful planning of air conditioning and ventilation allow for ideal comfort heating levels while complimentary acoustic furnishing and finishes create the ideal audible solution.

What are Biophilic Materials?
Biophilic materials are not only visually stunning but also eco-friendly, with most of the mateirals used being entirely renewable, biodegradable and recyclible.
Examples of these materials are:
Moss: Self sustaining plantlife that comes in numberous designs, creates a easy to look after biophilic feature suitable for any interior. Proici have used living moss for multiple projects including bespoke signage for UK Waste Solutions.
Cork: A long lasting, renewable material which presents itself as tree bark. Cork is 100% biodegradible and comes from cork oak trees which are protected under law. Proici love to use cork in our designs as it works as a natural insulator, has acoustic properties and is incredibly fire retardant.